Another Amazing Art Women Body Painting


Another Amazing Art Women Body Painting.women body is a big art on the world.

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Beautiful Aboriginal Art : great & beauty


Aboriginal art kangaroo,the australian symbol,manifest on some beautiful art.this is a quite beautiful art.

Art Body Painting Women


Art is universal thing,and art its has been a milion ways to showing the art worker idea.its simple and amazing.see the blue ink on women body.its called with name body painting on women get some big attention,women has a milion mistery on their body.let see more some art body painting on women bodies bellow.




Hope we can gift a big apreciated to these art worker that make some amazing art.

Rose Flower Tattoos Design


Flower tattoos design,especially red roses almost used by designer of tattoos and body painting to expression their artist many pictures,colour and aplication to used roses tattoos.this design of flower tattoos are most favourite women to created tattoos on their body.leg and lower back are the great space to make and fell sexy girls.wanna used this design, see the pictures of rose flower tattoos bellow.

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great design and art on your body.or try a different models,colour and tattoo design

Salma Hayek Has A big StarTattoos


Ops...,salma hayek has an tattoos ? on her movie,she has a tattoo,but that is a fake or temporary tattoos.
Salma Hayek doesn't have any real tattoos that we know of, but she has been seen with a couple of fake tattoos while filming movies and on the red carpet.

The fake tattoos she has been spotted with are, a tribal design on her stomach and a couple of butterflies on her shoulder and arm.

Here The Salma Hayek Fake Tattoos that we seen

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Let See Debra Wilson Body Art

Debra is virtually completely covered in tattoo designs and is perhaps the most tattooed celebrity in the business.She has two complete sleeves on both her arms containing dozens of tribal designs, along with a large sun on her left shoulder and a beautiful lotus flower on her right tricep, plus a ring of flames and stars on her right wrist and forearm area.The tattoos on her back include, a heart with crown and a tribal sun design.


Debra Wilson is a talented American comedienne and actress, best known as a long time cast member on the sketch comedy show, MADtv.

Lindsay Lohan Arm Tattoo on Twitter


Lindsay lohan Show her litle star tattoo picture on her left hand.why so many people looking up her twitter account ? hopeless found her new status and her case.

Lindsay lohan famously known for her crazy partying antics-recently showed off a new tattoo on her hip reading "La Bella Vita," meaning the beautiful life, and is so happy with her own body art that she wants to run her own boutique-style needle shop in Los Angeles.

Lindsay is setting up her own tattoo place which will be like a trendy, glass-fronted fashion store. She will work on her own designs and will market it to young society people,But the fiery red-haired star doesn't want to just stop at tattoos, she wants to create a whole line of Lindsay merchandise.well,let found all about her on Lindsay Lohan Twitter Status.

Justin Bieber Get Very SmallTattoo


Hey,still remember with this young guys? that right,the new superstars from canadian singer,becomes a R&B singers from youtube,and then released her single "one time".

In a recent trip to Australia, Justin Bieber was photographed on the beach playing football. Upon inspection, fans noticed a small (its very small) tattoo on Justin Bieber’s hip.


There has been a lot of speculation whether Justin Bieber’s tattoo is real or a fake. It could simply be a henna tattoo, temporary tattoo or an airbrush tattoo. Well, wonder no more. A photo surfaced of Justin Bieber getting a tattoo at a tattoo shop.

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